July 29
Athlete Package Pick-Up
Time - 2-5 pm
Location - Backdoor Winery / Bootlegger Bistro (9752 Jones Flat Rd, Summerland, BC V0H1Z3)
Transition Zone Set-Up *Volunteers
Time - 4-6 pm
Location - Peach Orchard Beach Park
July 30
Transition Opens for Athletes
Time - 6:00 am
Notes - Only Athletes and Volunteers are permitted access
Body Marking / Timing Chip Pick-Up
Time - 6:00-6:45 am
Notes - Will need your wristband on your wrist for number/pick-up
Mandatory Pre-Race Briefing
Time - 6:45 am
Notes - Last minute race notes. Please review TriBC rules online.
SPRINT Distance Race Start
Time - 7:00 am
Notes - Deep water swim start. Access to water following briefing.
TRI-A-TRI Distance Race Start
Time - 7:20 am
Notes - Deep water swim start. Access to water 5mins before.
Transition Opens for Bike Pick-Up
Time - 9:30 am (or when last racer exits T2)
Notes - Only Athletes and Volunteers are permitted access
Post-Race Draw Prizes, Awards & Waffle Breakfast (in support of KidSport)
Time - 10:30/11:00 am
Location - Backdoor Winery / Bootlegger Bistro (9752 Jones Flat Rd, Summerland, BC V0H1Z3)
Notes - Race participant's breakfast included in race fee. Families, friends, spectators can purchase plate. All proceeds from breakfast will go to KidSport Summerland.